
Better Services For Wightlink Users

The Wightlink User Group is an independent organisation advocating for improved cross-Solent ferry services that better meet the needs of commuters and travellers. We are committed to ensuring fair and equal access to transportation across the Solent.

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Press Release and Charter

HOME NEWS ABOUT The Islanders' Charter 2024.pdf For Immediate Release: A ground-breaking collaboration between the Island’s political leaders has led to the creation of an Islanders’ Charter, outlining key priorities for cross-Solent ferry services. The document sets the framework for meeting the Island's needs while balancing commercial considerations. The innovative approach was agreed by Councillor Phil Jordan, Leader of the Isle of Wight Council, IW East MP Joe Robertson and IW West MP...

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HOME NEWS ABOUT Please find attached several documents for your perusal. PRESS RELEASE - High Ferry Costs Undermine Isle of Wight Connectivity Call f.pdf WUG Report on Impact to NHS services Islanders Health (2).pdf WUG-Report_Why-is-IOW-Ferry-travel-so-expensive_Oct2024.pdf Wightlink-The-Money-The-Group-The-People.pdf Read Previous Newsletters Here Richmond House, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1JDUnsubscribe · Preferences

HOME NEWS ABOUT Response from the Department for Transport to WUG Please take a minute to read the letter sent from the DfT to WUG in response to recent correspondence. Follow this link: Read story Richmond House, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1JDUnsubscribe · Preferences

HOME NEWS ABOUT IMPORTANT We have been contacted by the Isle of Wight Council and through them the Department of Transport. They need information regarding the impact of delays, cancellations and timetable changes on Wightlink or Red Funnel on residents and businesses. We have any number of comments on Facebook but we need to have emails; we need you to email us please and we can collate this information. It would be helpful although not absolutely necessary if you could tell us the date and...

HOME NEWS ABOUT Wightlink Meet the Team You may recall we had hoped to hold our WUG social at Quay Arts on the 1st November but when approached the manager of QA declined as WL not only sponsor visiting artists but also reduce travel costs for a select few QA Islanders to attend mainland Arts . They said it would be a conflict of interest. We now find out that the new format of the Forum will be a ‘Meet and Greet’ between 17.30 and 19.30 on the 30th October. Guess where the location will be?...

HOME NEWS ABOUT QUIZ & MUSIC NIGHT The Chequers Inn, Rookley Friday 1st November 2024 @ 7:30pm (50 places available) Teams of 4/6 Tickets £10.00 (RSVP)Email: Facebook - Bronwyn Hamilton Brown FOOD AVAILABLE UNTIL 8:30pm Raffle! Live Music From Ben Stubbs Richmond House, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1JDUnsubscribe · Preferences

HOME NEWS ABOUT Dear Wightlink User Group Members, We all share the collective frustration regarding the Wightlink slogan, "Bringing People Together." It feels particularly incongruous given the reduced timetables, unreliable services, and inflated prices we've all endured since the pandemic. These issues directly impede islanders, families, those needing urgent medical care, and potential tourists, essentially keeping them apart - the antithesis of their slogan. We believe filing a complaint...

HOME NEWS ABOUT WIGHTLINK USER GROUPWUG NEWSNewsletter Sept 2024 To view a PDF version of this newsletter please click here - WUG Newsletter Sept 2024.pdf Welcome to our new Wightlink User Group Newsletter. WUG IS an independent organisation campaigning for improved and affordable cross-Solent ferry travel for all. Since starting out as a small campaigning group at the start of 2023, we now have over 9000 followers for our Facebook and Website pages, with numbers growing all the time. Why...

HOME NEWS ABOUT Meeting With Joe Robertson MP Our meeting with Joe was very productive. We covered many bases in our joint strategy to push this campaign. We want him to challenge Visit Isle of Wight (who have WL managers as their directors). We feel the real decline in numbers travelling to the island is directly attributable to the cost of ferry fares. Yet it appears that there are incidents when VIOW are promoting WL rather than the island. There appears to be a conflict of interest with...

Dear Wightlink User, The Wightlink User Group hustings are this Wednesday in Ryde and Thursday in Freshwater. If you care about the ferry situation you need to be there. We need you there. If we really want our MP to do something about the ferries we need to be there to tell them. If you are interested in who could be our next MP and how they are going to change the inequality that is transport. Please join us! East Wight12th June - 19:00 - 21:00Ryde Methodist Church14 Garfield Road Ryde PO33...